Monday, September 1, 2008


Tuesday and tomorrow I join the working class in their battle for normality.

Whats worse is that I am starting my first day at work at 8:30am.

Man....Does anyone have the ability to process a thought at that time of the day?

I will need to wake up at 5am just to get enough caffeine within just to consider the idea that I am going to work at that time.

hahahaha.....maybe I have had it too good for too long.
Or maybe i know something that the working class haven't after decades of slavery yet worked out for themselves.
Whatever the answer is; I must still attend this tortuous event called work and paste on a smiling face so the other slaves feel that I fit in to this self mutilating mentality.

What on earth has the world come to?
A world of peasant slaves offering pleasantries to the elite that determine with money that this is the way the world is meant to be.

I scream out to anyone who has had a single clue towards realising that they are slaves to a giant machine that takes them in early adulthood and grinds them down to minced matter just to spit them out to feed the next group coming in.

Are there any other people out there that still possess the ability to think?


Save me from this mechanised monster called life, and save me from myself....
Must I really conform to this arbitrary punishment because I determine myself suitable for existence?, work, money, then the epitome of our slavery....
The television.
That machine that renders us stoopid, convincing us that this is the way life is meant to be.

Well I am going to work....whether I like it or not.
But I ain't giving up my dreams, nor my goals.
And when that door of opportunity knocks again...
I will not answer it....I'll blow the bloody door off its hinges trying to escape this reality that you all conform to.

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