Friday, August 29, 2008

The Sweet Scent of Food

Friday night again.

A little hard to enjoy the once festive eve when one's poor and struggling.

Some good news snapped a little life into my now weak body...

I got a call from an agency of sorts looking for a teacher.
Oddly some time back and long since forgotten, an advertisement went up on the "Wonderful Worldly Window" indicating that I had taught IELTS previously.

IELTS is an English Language Testing System.

So this agent calls me wildly out of the blue and asked me if I were busy now and would I be interested in a job.

Well of course I am FUDGING interested.

Off the beaten track....
Some months back I had a very well paying manager's job managing teachers at an exclusive private language institution.
The local government came in to bust the place indicating that it wasn't properly licensed.
I of course knew that the licensing was in the final stages and wasn't overly concerned about it.
However at the moment that the coppers had arrived the boss did a runner and had left me high and dry with these coppers to deal with.

So what was I to do?
With a big inhale and a twenty minute screaming exhale I cut loose on these guys for annoying me, disrupting the school, and all sorts of other lovelies that I could conjure up.

Much to my misfortune though the coppers after quieting me down told me that the school had reneged on getting its license and has been considered to be blatantly breaking the law.

"Oh shit....."

The coppers let me leave the building red faced as I was, and they told me not to work for this company again.

I was heavily relieved as I could have been deported.

That runaway boss knowing that I had a very good story to share with the somewhat small foreign community of this town, went about blacklisting me with damn near every school within a hundred miles of the place.

Another unfortunate event that was as I was near the end of my contract when it all happened and my NiHao Studios company was near ready to launch.

Ok so no job, and no resources either.

4 months later...
Starved, unwell, desperate, and alone in a foreign land, and that wildly odd phone call arrives.

Now we are back on track again....

I had taught IELTS for many years in another town and managed an IELTS Center so of course I had breezed through the job interview and had determined my own pay.
After which the girl boss said...."Do you need extra money for food?"
She had meant a monthly living allowance.
Inside myself I screamed; "Don't say that sinful word in front of me...I am starving!"
But I replied..."No I shouldn't need extra money for food thank you."

September 5th (7 days later) I start work.

Wow...I may just live through this; another episode of my life.

Recently I had been having bad dreams about being sent home in a box.
What's worse is that I started to believe that it may just happen.
Well maybe not now, but if my mother saw me in this situation she would freak.

hahaha ooops sorry mum. I forgot to look after myself.

Oh well another poor Friday passes.
That sweet scent of food draws nearer and I can almost imagine eating something substantial again.
Poor? Yes, but not for much longer :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Quietness Settles

Today 24th August 2008.

Quietness today around about.

The recent typhoon called Nuri blew its way down south to Guangdong Province and fizzled at landfall to a tropical storm.

Still have heard nothing from the Multiverse crowd. This I wonder about some as its approaching time for the next GDC. Game Developer's Convention.

This year; September, the GDC will be held in Singapore and with perhaps a little good fortune we may be sending one of our guys Jon over there.

NiHao3d the game could certainly do well with a GDC introduction and launch.

Finger's crossed.

No other events have occurred to speak of and the title of this entry "Quietness Settles" has a two edged meaning.

Quietness in the sense of little happening and no new news to offer a promising light.
Quietness in that there is little I myself can do to make a difference to it all.

I feel resolutely confined to a solitude of inability.
Searching for an answer wearies the mind, while the body yearns for energies to be spent.

Quietness settles on another day...
Hoping for a better day.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Virgin Again

Well my first blog outside of all of the other things that I do and write my name on.

Today 20th August 2008:

Whats on the calendar...

Most important of the things to do:
Madness has kept me on my toes these last two days.
Typhoon Nuri, Level 3 typhoon, is heading for China.
The Superstorms website to update;
The Wunderground website to update;
And dozens of telephone calls going out to the various Superstorms Regions.

Second on the calendar:
Yesterday I had to take the NiHao Live servers down;
Funding NiHao3d has become a real burden.
Keeping it funded isn't much of a problem, but financing it for further growth is where the burden lies.

A less worrisome event:
Yesterday NiHao3d went into talks again with Multiverse;
We have always liked what the guys at Multiverse were doing, and considered a partnership with them 4 months ago.
But talks broke down over some trivial matter.
However today's Multiverse has had some management changes, won sponsorship from IBM, and is worth looking into again.
Surprisingly in a nice way, was the reception we recieved from them upon our first request for talks.
Nice to see some happy faces again.

So a busy few days have past, and a few more busy days are ahead.
Typhoon Nuri will keep me on my toes for another few days.
NiHao3d; well my heart weeps at the state of her.
Multiverse is a foot in the right direction though. Of course this is all dependent upon how the future talks go. And even if they go well, there is alot of work lying ahead of the NiHao Studios Team to get the game as we have it today, converted over to the Multiverse platform.

Nihao Studios link:

The greatest of my calendar's pencil scratchings:
I have had a very long run of misfortune unfortunately. Foremost of my misfortunes is that of being stuck in a foreign country that has near banned me from working, but still expects me to run my organization.

haha go figure huh?

Because of the big events happening in China these days, alot of new rules came into play.
Of course these new laws, which are not entirely bad laws; affected nearly every foreigner that was in China at the time, me included.

Me; well I had just moved to a new city when it had all happened. Got a small job helping out at a local school for pocket money while I went about making enquiries into setting up another Superstorms Branch office.

Then the new laws kicked in.
I was told I could no longer work at the school.
"So then what?"
Well nothing is what.
There aint much for foreigners to do in China other than English teaching.
So 4 months later and I am still here, still unemployed, and haven't eaten a square meal in god knows how long.

But to the contrare; If I were not here to perform my Superstorms CEO duties; I would have the world's 2nd largest population screaming down my neck for every lost soul that these big typhoons bring.

Go figure.

So onward I go, taking each day as each day happens, and hoping for a light to appear in my very long, black, neverending tunnel.

Maybe it will, and maybe it wont.
But I keep on waiting for it anyhow.