Saturday, December 27, 2008

Leaps and Bounds

Merry Christmas to all.

These past two weeks have been filled with events both in my personal life and business life.

In the business world NiHao World has made some quite noteworthy leaps and bounds that are worth mentioning here.

The first of these was our foreign investment category listing.
A week before Christmas and I received an email from ChinaFIG indicating that our application to be listed in their potential foreign investment companies list was approved.

This was great news for us as it now readies the company for Venture Capital (VC) investment and after the procuring of investment we can take the NiHao Company forward in its development.

The sceond great move forward was the approval from Intel to join in their partnership program. The Intel® Software Partner Program page.

We at NiHao World will be looking into the development of CPU Hyper-Threading technologies for our software. In simple terms hyper-threading is the communication avenues and processes between 1 CPU and another.

E.g. An Intel Dual Core computer running the NiHao World software with the software designed to utilize just one of those CPU's so the 2nd CPU is free to handle other tasks.

Designing our software for CPU utilization means that we can produce a better software for our users.

For our users they benefit from knowing our software is compatible with the systems that they are using and that our software has been designed for those systems.

This means less drag on computers, better overall performance, and best yet....a longer life expectancy for user's computers.

On a personal side this month has been hectic.
Buying gifts, visiting loved ones, organizing timetables, and giving the NiHao Studios team a Christmas holiday even when we are too busy for the luxury lol.

Last week I sent a memo to the team telling them all to take leave....
"Go; have fun, enjoy the holidays"

Actually it wasn't a scheduled holiday nor a planned one but sometimes when the mood is right I don't mind letting the team enjoy the moment too.

And hell....its Christmas and we have all worked exceptionally hard this year...
We all deserve a break :)

So Merry Christmas one and all and lets look forward to a prosperous 2009.

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