Well I must say before starting on this post that I am rather disappointed with my business dealings with the Net Dragon company. That is to say I no longer consider doing business with them.
So what happened?
Well......absolutley nothing.
Net Dragon's officials went to Shanghai to give our business plan pitch (well at least thats what they said they were doing, but who actually knows) and since the event...3 weeks ago today...no word from them.
I have written them twice since the event, and am not getting replies any more.
This is a little remeniscent of the silent treatment my girlfriend gives me when she's having an unhappy moment, but I would hardly call a multi million dollar deal the right circumstances for "silent treatment."
So on my last mail to Net Dragon I asked them politely to please give me word about the pitch as I really need to make a direction plan for my company.
And this is true....Officially my company is one year old now and me and my team are considering the what next's, new directions, problem solving and remedying old issues, and so on.
Then what happened?
Well still no reply. So last week, Friday; I wrote to two other companies proposing the same deal to them that I had initially proposed to Net Dragon.
Today one of those two wrote me back and I am presently in communications with thier CEO and Managing Director.
So today I put a quiet ending on the Net Dragon saga and am opening a new book for the future of NiHao.
One good thing has come from all of this though....
The dealings I have had with Net Dragon have sharpened my CEO skills somewhat and I am sure will make future corporate meetings just that little bit easier.
Yet in saying this I still feel somewhat heartbroken by it all. Its one thing to give the soul of your work to the table for all to peer within and determine whether it is worth the money you are asking, but it is another thing to be left on an indefinite hold waiting for a perhaps never coming reply.
Today I feel like a young heartbroken girl, but tomorrow I hope to be a woman of class strutting my stuff in laced pantyhose, and high heals :)
What lessons can be learned from this?
Whether it be your girlfriend, buddies, colleagues, or prospective business companions; if there is a question, then there should always be an answer.
Never let things sit too long, they'll only mould and decay and then your chance will have gone.